
Course Management Committee


Doutor Pedro Branco
Department of Information Systems,
University of Minho
Azurém Campus
4800 – 058 Guimarães
t: +351 253 510 319
f: +351 253 510 300
e. pbranco _at_


Guimarães, initially known as Vimaranes, is a historical city, which played the leading role in the foundation of Portugal and which has now existed for over a millennium. Guimarães is one of the most important cities in the country. With its historical centre being considered World Cultural Heritage, it is one of the largest tourist centres of the region. Its streets and monuments bring history back to life and enrapture its visitors. The Guimarães of today knows best how to reconcile history and the maintenance of heritage with the dynamism and entrepreneurship that characterise modern cities.

Guimarães was designated as the “European Capital of Culture 2012.”

To learn more about Guimarães visit the University Guide and the city tourism office.